October 5, 2017

AGDA and Best Awards 2017 finalists

I am extremely excited to have finalists in both the 2017 AGDA Awards and the 2017 Best Awards. For the third year in a row I have had a project as a finalist amongst Australia’s best design studios. This year the website I designed for the Future Shapers Forum in Canberra with the client Code and Visual is a finalist in the digital category. This project was great to work on with the client wanting a non-conventional website and brand identity. The animations and interactions paired with the saturated colour palette created an experience that is far from a typical leadership forum.

Above: Future Shapers website design

This Best Awards is “Brought to you by The Designers Institute of New Zealand, The Best Design Awards is an annual showcase of excellence in graphic, spatial, product, interactive and motion design.” This year I decided to enter two projects as I have always admired the high standard of amazing studios such as Alt Group, Inhouse, Sons and Co and others. I am delighted that both the Hamish Campbell Photography brand identity and the ef-p brand identity are finalists in this years awards.

Above: Hamish Campbell Photography brand identity


Above: ef-p brand identity

Visit the awards sites
Best Awards – Graphic 
AGDA Awards – Digital 

See more from these projects
ef-p project
Future Shapers website project
Hamish Campbell Photography project


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